Group rules
1. Be Nice
No personal attacks, doxxing, etc. Just don't be a jerk, basically. In general, we allow the community See more
- 1. Be Nice
No personal attacks, doxxing, etc. Just don't be a jerk, basically. In general, we allow the community to self manage but will intervene in extreme cases.
- 2. Relevance
Posts should be related to Active Directory, Active Directory Products, or related topics (LDAP, Samba, etc.), and should ideally be informative and educational. MS, Linux, and Mac topics are welcome in relation to the prior statement.
- 3. Advertising / Self Promotion
Blatant commercials are not welcome. If you have a blog or channel with AD related content, don't over promote - one post every month or so.
- 4. Referral Links / Shortened URLs
No referral links. Don't use this to make money. Also, no shortened URLs since we can't see what's behind them easily.
- 5. Detailed Posts (Preferred)
Include details if you are asking a specific question. What OS version? Functional level? Give some details about your replication topology, etc.
- 6. Trim Identifying Information
Filter out your domain names, IPs, Server Names, Company Name, etc. from any post.
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