Software Installation GPO Issues! Please Help!!
Hello everyone – Had a quick question I was hoping the community could help me out with.
Long story short, I have created a “Computer GPO” on our company’s Domain Controller and have it linked to an AD OU that only my computer is in, as a test. (Wanted to be sure I could get it working before I pushed it to everyone) — This GPO is in charge of installing a lightweight software application.
That said, I work remotely from home along with about 80% of my company… So that vast majority of us use an SSL VPN Program to connect into our network so that we can go about our workday.
Well, thats where the problem is.
I know that traditionally, GPO’s work absolutely BEST when the PC’s are physically sitting in the environment with the Domain Controller that is pushing them. However, because I am at home — I start my computer up and log into my domain account under cached credentials… and then connect to the SSL VPN. It is only at that point where my PC recognizes our office’s network.
But at that point, the login process has already happened. And when you are trying to install software via GPO, it needs to happen during the login process. So, I miss the boat on it every time… because the computer is “Off the network” during login… and then only a minute or 2 later after everything loads up… I connect to the SSL VPN.
So, its this vicious cycle of … The computer knowing that the policy is there – Because when I run GPRESULT -R, it shows up… But the policy cant do its job… because I am remote.
Anyone know of a way around this? I am desperately needing to install this software company wide, but if I cannot even get it to work on my PC as a test, lord help me lol.