I have a general undersstanding of LDAP works, but I am just wondering how a site connects to LDAP? Say for instance, the a company uses ldap for the usernames and passwords of [example.com](https://example.com). How does it connect LDAP to [example.com](https://example.com)? Is it through an API, and if so, how is it implemented?
Most apps need a hard-coded server name, so you can use a proxy to provide HA instead of specifying a specific domain controller.
It’s very app-specific, but most will use a URI of LDAP(s)://servername.fqdn.tld:389 (or 636) if your DCs have SSL certs.
If you’re talking about how Windows clients do it, they use “[DCLocator process](https://servergurunow.wordpress.com/2017/10/14/dc-locator-process-2/)” to find a “close” DC, which are all LDAP servers.
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